New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Monday refused to expeditiously hear the petition filed against the order of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) that barred offering prayers in the Mughal mosque present in the Qutub Minar complex. An advocate on behalf of the petitioner told the High Court that Namaz was being offered there for a long time. Despite this, the ASI banned it on May 15.
Advocate M Sufian Siddiqui appearing for the petitioner, told the court the prayers were partially stopped by the ASI on May 6 when only five people were allowed into the mosque. Subsequently, on May 13, the authorities stopped the prayers altogether. The Mughal Mosque is located at the entrance of the Qutub complex right in front of the Mughal Garden. The mosque is separate from the disputed Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque located in the Qutub Minar Enclosure.