New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said Satyendar Jain, arrested by the Enforcement Directorate, should be awarded the Padma Vibhushan for giving the 'mohalla clinics' model that treats people free of cost. Kejriwal defended Jain as a "hardcore honest and patriotic" person who was being framed in a "false case" and hoped the minister will come out clean after the ED probe. "The country should be proud of him as he gave the model of Mohalla Clinic which is being visited by people from the world, including (ex) Secretary General of the UN. He gave a health model that treats people free of cost.
"I think, he should be given top awards like the Padma Bhushan or Padma Vibhushan," Kejriwal told reporters here. Noting that the CBI gave clean chit to Jain, the Delhi CM said now the ED can also conduct its probe and the minister will come out clean. Jain holds various portfolios, including Health, Power and Home, in the Arvind Kejriwal government. Jain was on Tuesday sent to Enforcement Directorate's custody till June 9 in a money laundering case by a court here which noted that his interrogation was required to unearth the alleged larger conspiracy.