New Delhi: The BJP on Thursday accused the Congress and the AAP of politicising the riots in the national capital and claimed that attempts to instigate violence had been made for two months after Congress president Sonia Gandhi gave the call for 'aar yaa par' (fight to the finish) in December last year.
Addressing a press conference at the party office, senior BJP leader and Union Minister Prakash Javadekar asked why other political parties were silent on the attack on the policemen and the death of Intelligence Bureau staffer Ankit Sharma.
"In such a situation, the duty of all political parties should be to consolidate peace," he said.
Taking on the AAP which governs Delhi, Javadekar said that its MLAs should have worked for peace, but Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal identified riot victims by religion in the Assembly.
He alleged that attempts to instigate violence had been made for the last two months since Sonia Gandhi gave the call for 'fight to the finish' at a rally.