New Delhi: A High Powered Committee (HPC), headed by a Delhi High Court judge, has rejected the representation of former Fortis promoter Malvinder Mohan Singh challenging its criteria for grant of interim bail to under-trial prisoners (UTPs).
Singh moved the representation after his plea for interim bail was denied by the high court which gave him liberty to approach the committee if he was aggrieved by the criteria laid down by it.
He was arrested for alleged misappropriation of funds from the Religare Finvest Ltd (RFL).FIRs have also been registered against him for the offences of cheating and money laundering.
The HPC said that when the Supreme Court ordered setting up of such committees, to look into decongesting prisons to prevent spread of COVID-19, it gave the panels "an absolute discretion" to determine which class/category of prisoners can be released on interim bail or parole.