New Delhi:Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud Friday termed Justice Ajay Rastogi, who will be demitting office on June 17, a great ally who possessed judicial compassion and sensitivity for every cause. Justice Rastogi, fourth in seniority at the apex court, was appointed a Supreme Court judge on November 02, 2018. He will retire during the summer vacation, having served as a Supreme Court judge for over four years.
Besides Justice Rastogi, Justices K M Joseph, third in seniority at the Bench, and Justice V Ramasubramanian will also demit office on June 16 and June 29 respectively. These retirements will bring down the number of judges in the Supreme Court from 34 to 31. With the swearing in of Justice Prashant Kumar Mishra and senior advocate Kalpathy Venkataraman Viswanathan on Friday, the top court regained its full strength for a brief period.
Heading the ceremonial bench, set up to bid farewell to Justice Rastogi, the CJI hailed his contribution to the bench and the collegiums. Brother Justice Rastogi, you personified in so many ways the judicial compassion and sensitivity to every cause which came before you. Brother Rastogi draws immense inspiration from his father Shri Harish Chandra Rastogi who was also an eminent civil lawyer in the same court, the CJI said.
Justice Chandrachud said he often relied on Justice Rastogi's expertise on civil, service and labour laws, among other things. Indeed there was a sense of relief and assurance when we see your name in the roster handling these cases or your name as the author of the judgement..., he said, adding,Brother Rastogi and I sat for a very long period of time in 2019 and 2020 and we shared both on and off the bench a very interesting time and it was a sheer pleasure to sit with you.