New Delhi:The Chief Justice of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud Thursday said that he will not control what the judge is doing in the matter listed before her, and the judge who has the case will decide while declining to intervene on the issue of listing of AAP leader Satyendar Jain’s petition for bail in a money laundering case before a bench headed of Justice Bela M Trivedi.
Senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi, who was representing Jain, mentioned the matter before a bench headed by CJI and comprising justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj Misra. Singhvi sought deferment of the hearing of the case listed before the bench headed by Justice Trivedi, citing that the matter was earlier heard by a bench headed by Justice AS Bopanna.
Singhvi submitted, “This case was listed before Justice AS Bopanna. He had heard it for 2.5 hours. Now the case is listed before Justice Bela Trivedi”. However, CJI was not convinced byWill not control the judge, the judge who has the case will decide...', CJI on Satyender Jain bail matter Singhvi’s submissions. “I will not control what the judge is doing in the matter listed before her. The judge who has the case will decide. I cannot. I cannot take a call…”, said the CJI.
Singhvi requested the CJI to examine the case papers once and added that he seeks only deferment of hearing in the case. However, the CJI replied that only the judge before whom the matter is listed will take a call and added “I will not”.