New Delhi:The Central government on Saturday notified the transfer of three High Court judges, three days after the Supreme Court Collegium recommended their transfer. Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal, in a tweet, said, “In exercise of the power conferred by the Constitution of India, the President after consultation with Chief Justice of India, has transferred the following judges of High Courts: Dinesh Kumar Singh, judge, Allahabad High Court, transferred as a judge, Kerala High Court; Manoj Bajaj, judge, Punjab and Haryana High Court, transferred as a judge of Allahabad High Court; and Gaurang Kanth, judge, Delhi High Court, transferred as a judge of Calcutta High Court”.
On July 12, the apex court collegium headed by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud reiterated its recommendations for transferring the three judges notwithstanding their representations for choice posting. Justice Kanth had made a representation on July 7, 2023, requesting for a transfer to the Madhya Pradesh or Rajasthan High Court, or a court in any of the neighbouring states.