New Delhi:Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and Bihar Minister of Industries Syed Shahnawaz Hussain, said that the central government has provided maximum assistance to weavers and people associated with khadi industry during Covid-19 pandemic. He also said that khadi is not only a piece of garment for the party but an idea, an ideology that is associated with Gandhiji and leaders of the party have always respected khadi.
In a conversation with ETV Bharat's senior correspondent Anamika Ratna, Hussain said that industrialists in Bihar have expressed their desire to set up khadi industries which will create job opportunities in the state. He also said that the Bihar government will be organising an exhibition in Patna on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti on October 2 to promote the khadi culture in the country. He added that he has written to all MLA's in the state to join the exhibition, which will further help in its promotion.
Taking about the promotion of the khadi in India, Hussian said that while most of the parties remember Gandhiji and khadi only on October 2, the BJP works on promoting the ideas of Gandhiji and khadi throughout the year. He also said that the relation between Bihar with Gandhiji and khadi is very old.