New Delhi:The central government has told the Supreme Court that after the pronouncement of judgment on May 11 in the Centre vs Delhi government case, the AAP ministers started uploading the orders on social media and “started a witch-hunt, harassment of officers, media trials, and street postures to influence the decision making by the officers”.
The Centre stressed, after the judgment, the officers of the vigilance department were targeted by the elected government and files pertaining to the excise policy scam, Delhi CM’s new residential bungalow, documents pertaining to advertisements, Delhi’s power subsidy etc., were taken into “unlawful custody”.
The Ministry of Home Affairs, in an affidavit, said complaints were received from the special secretary (Vigilance) and two other officers, pointing out a serious incident of trespassing in the said officer's chamber and taking unlawful custody of certain files. The MHA said specific targeting of the vigilance department in a hurried manner was, inter alia, on account of the fact that the office of the vigilance department contained certain files about which either investigations/inquiry were going on or contemplated and they were “extremely sensitive in nature”.
The affidavit said there were files pertaining to the alleged excise scam in which some ministers of Delhi government are in custody. “The files pertaining to the expenditure incurred in the construction of the new residential bungalow of the Hon'ble Chief Minister which is being enquired into under valid orders passed by the Central Government as the said subject indisputably falls within the domain of the Central Government”, it said.
Also read: Renovation 'scam': Kejriwal will go to jail after CAG report comes out, says BJP
The MHA said the files containing the documents pertaining to advertisements given by and from the exchequer of the Delhi government for a political party about which a judicial order of the Supreme Court operates directing the said party which is in power in the state government to reimburse the state exchequer as public funds cannot be used for furthering the political campaigning of any political party.
“The files pertaining to extending power subsidy to private companies ignoring the outstanding dues from these companies like BSES and BYPL to the tune of more than Rs.21,000 crores. The said issue is also under inquiry by the Central Bureau of Investigation”, said the affidavit.
The MHA said the elected government remained arrogant to the official duties of the concerned officers and handled the whole affair in a highly insensitive manner and also humiliated the senior officers and subordinate officers of the vigilance department.