New Delhi: The Centre has asked its employees to take a short duration 'Y-Break - Yoga at office chair' to de-stress, refresh and refocus. In an order, the personnel ministry has asked all central government ministries/departments to adopt and promote this new Yoga protocol for the people at workplace.
"Y-Break at workplace was introduced by the Ministry of AYUSH with an aim to get de-stressed, refreshed and re-focused at the workplace. The feedback of the protocol has been very encouraging. The Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry of AYUSH has added new features for the officials, who owing to their busy schedule, cannot go out and practice Yoga," it said.
The officials can now benefit themselves while sitting in their office chair by practicing a short duration Yoga protocol namely "Y-Break@workplace yoga" at chair to refresh, de-stress and refocus, said the order dated June 12. In order to spread awareness about the "Y-Break@workplace - yoga at chair", all ministries/departments of the Government of India are requested for wide dissemination amongst their employees, including those of attached and subordinate under their control, it added.