New Delhi: Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Wednesday said Bharat Biotech has informed the Delhi government that it cannot provide "additional" Covaxin doses to the national capital.
Central government controlling supply of Covaxin The stock of Covaxin in Delhi has finished and as a result around 100 vaccination centres set up in 17 schools have been closed, he said.
READ:Bharat Biotech slashes price of Covaxin
"The Covaxin manufacturer has in a letter said that it cannot provide Delhi government vaccines due to unavailability, under the instruction of concerned government official. It means that the Central government is controlling supply of the vaccine," Sisodia said.
The deputy chief minister said Centre should stop the export of vaccines and share the vaccine formulae of the two manufacturers in the country with other companies for mass production.
READ:Bharat Biotech commences direct supply of 'Covaxin' to 14 states
He also requested the Union government to approve vaccines available in the international market for use in India, and direct states to vaccinate everyone within three months.
Earlier, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal flagged the issue of the COVID-19 vaccine and urged the Central government to share the vaccine formulas and allow more companies to scale up production.