CBSE has cancelled the class 12th examination after many deliberations. However, students and parents across the country are wondering, how will CBSE evaluate the students. ETV Bharat spoke to Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj, Controller of Examinations, CBSE regarding the issue. Dr Bharadwaj has assured that the board will create a plan that will be fair, credible, and acceptable to all.
ETV Bharat: CBSE has recently cancelled the class 12th examinations across the country. However, the issue of evaluation is a key challenge for the CBSE. Let's discuss the issues with Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj, Controller of Examinations, CBSE.
Several students and states have also demanded the cancellation of the exams. But evaluation of students is now the biggest challenge for CBSE. How will CBSE do the evaluation?
Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj: The examination was cancelled keeping in mind students' health concerns. Evaluation of students is now a very important aspect. We are now working to create an evaluation plan for the students. We will take 10-12 days to study all the available data before making an evaluation scheme, which will be applicable for class 12 students, keeping in mind their real assessment. However, it is too early to talk about the assessment parameters. We will try to create a full-proof assessment plan.
ETV Bharat:Exams are cancelled but students are concerned about the assessment methods. It will take 10-12 days to decide the final assessment process. But the question is, what will be the pattern of assessment. Will it follow the assessment pattern of class 10th or will it be like the previous year's assessment?
Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj: The previous year's assessment policy is not applicable this year. In the previous year, around 5 lakh students finished 5 exams. While some students completed 4 or 3 exams. So in the previous year, we could implement the assessment policy. However, this year since we have taken the decision to cancel the exams, we don't have a set assessment policy that can be used in this case. We have to do the assessment keeping in mind that students have not appeared for the exams. We have to keep in mind the several aspects of the student's learning. Our aim is to gather maximum information and data about students' learning. Based on that we can create a plan or a formula to assess the students. We will try to create an evaluation plan which is fair, reliable, acceptable and do an actual assessment.
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ETV Bharat: Sir you said that evaluation must be fair. However, several students have expressed apprehension about the fairness of the assessment. These assessments will be done by the schools. So the students are worried about fairness and partiality. So how will you ensure the fairness of the assessment process?
Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj: We have made a full-proof evaluation scheme for class 10 as well. We know very well where we will face issues and challenges. We have a good amount of experience in class 10 evaluation. We have received feedback from several people. To date out class 10 evaluation plan is full-proof. Our evaluation scheme ensures that schools don't have the chance to take any illegal advantages.
We are taking the help of people outside the organisation. We have appointed a team of 5 teachers to check on the subject knowledge level of students. We are also maintaining a rational document that is being updated with the day-to-day progress report. I have full faith in our school system. Our schools that give value-based education will do a proper evaluation without any influence. We have to keep full faith in our school system. In case a student is not satisfied with the school evaluation, then they can appear for an exam conducted by the CBSE, based on which evaluation can be done and the result can be released.
Students ad parents must keep faith in the schools and CBSE for the evaluation scheme. It's a challenge to create an evaluation plan for a huge population. It's huge project work. But I can assure you that our schools won't do any wrong deeds or take undue advantages during the evaluation process. Our schools are known for values.
ETV Bharat: You said that students and parents must keep faith in the schools. There should be transparency in the whole process. What are the steps required to ensure there are no doubts about the whole process?
Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj: We will create a policy that will be transparent and will be put on the open platform. we will upload it on our website. People can see and know the policy. All the schools will work according to the policy. We will also keep a record of the process, which will be available to us. So I don't think any person can do any wrongdoing in the process. Since the exam has been cancelled, we need some time to create a policy. We have to study the data, form a policy, unveiling a plan that will be transparent. I will again urge the people and society to have faith in us. Trust the board, trust the schools, and we will ensure transparency at all levels. Schools and the board will be responsible for the policy.
ETV Bharat: Once again the question arises on how the evaluation will be done. Will be like the previous year's pre-board based evaluation of class 10,11 and 12? Or any other methods for evaluation will be used?
Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj: It's too early to say about the methods of evaluation. As of now, we are trying to gather as much information about the student's learning so that we can predict the knowledge in a better way in order to have the prediction as accurate as it can be. We would like to go for such a plan.
ETV Bharat: In the case of students missing their pre-boards due to different reasons or if they failed to attend other school examinations or practicals. What will happen in such a scenario? Students have genuine fear regarding this.