New Delhi: The CBI on Monday told the Delhi High Court that it needs more time to complete the probe in a bribery case allegedly involving the agency's then special director Rakesh Asthana and others, as four more stages of scrutiny are left before the report can be filed.
The agency told Justice Vibhu Bakhru that there are eight stages of scrutiny of which four are complete and four remain.
The submission was made by the agency while urging the court to adjourn the matter to Tuesday as Additional Solicitor General Vikramjit Banerjee, who represents the CBI, was not available.
The counsel representing Asthana and the other accused -- the agency's then deputy superintendent of police Devender Kumar and businessman Manoj Prasad, opposed the CBI's plea, saying the court had on October 9 given it two months and had said no more time would be given.
They urged the court to list the matter for hearing on Tuesday.
Justice Bakhru, however, declined to pass any interim orders and also refused to list the matter on Tuesday, saying "this (case) is not a priority in the list of items before this court. No one is in custody."
The court listed the matter on January 6.
When the counsel for the accused urged the court to summon the officials concerned if probe not completed by then, the judge refused to do so and said, "We will see what consequential order needs to be passed on the next date. The only question to be decided is whether they should be granted more time."