New Delhi : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which has registered a case against over 21 senior officials of the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL), has carried out searches at 25 locations, official sources said. These searches were conducted at the offices and residences of the accused BSNL officials spread over Assam, Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, and Haryana.
The BSNL officials were accused of resorting to corruption by hatching a conspiracy with a contractor in regard to the optical fibre network. In the CBI case, it was alleged that a work order was given for laying National Optical Fibre Network Cable through an open trenching method at Rs 90,000 per km. But the work order pertaining to the BSNL Assam Circle was later changed to cheat the government-run entity, according to CBI sources.