New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday, criticised the statements made by the Congress party with respect to the Naxal attack in Maharashtra's Gadchiroli district, and asserted that some of the 'secular people' had forgotten how these parties had opposed when the government had initiated the proceeding against the 'Urban Naxalites'.
BJP slams Cong. statements on Gadchiroli naxal attack Paying tributes to the 16 security personnel, who were killed in the IED blast triggered by the Naxals, BJP's national spokesperson Prem Shukla blamed the latter for the whole incident, alongside flaying the statements of the opposition party.
Responding over the allegations made by Congress, Shukla maintained that Congress had opposed the action against 'Urban Naxalism', whereas their party had taken strict measures (on the Naxalites), due to which there were less incidents in past five years.
Speaking on behalf of BJP, Shukla said that this was the reaction to stringent action taken against the Naxalites and asserted that it was not surprising as the central government had continued their offensive against the latter. He further said that they would ensure that such incidents would not repeat in the future.
Also read: NYAY an answer to BJP's wrong policies: Rahul Gandhi