New Delhi:Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala on Saturday claimed that both the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Jannayak Janata Party (JJP) alliance was forged to run a stable government in the state. Speaking to the media about the BJP-JJP alliance, Chautala remarked that the partnership was formed under the leadership of Union Home Minister Amit Shah in order to establish a stable government in the state.
"The alliance between both parties (BJP-JJP) was forged under the leadership of Union home minister Amit Shah to run a stable government in the state. There was no compulsion in forging an alliance," the Haryana Deputy CM said. He also said that both parties had formed the alliance after a proper discussion and agreement and that there was no compulsion in forging the alliance between both parties.
"The alliance was formed with the vision to take the nation forward to the route of development. Neither of the parties has done a favour to each other," added Dushyant Chautala. Speaking on the recent controversy between the BJP and the JJP, Independent MLA in Haryana Government and Electricity Minister in the Government Ranjit Singh Chautala stated that they have always and would continue to support the BJP.
"We are six independent MLAs and we have always supported the BJP unconditionally and will continue to do so," he said. Whatever is going on in JJP, it is their own debate, we do not want to read about it, but I do not think that BJP and JJP will part ways, added Ranjit Singh Chautala. Adding further the MLA said that he met the Former Chief Minister of Tripura Biplab Deb and discussed BJP's leadership in the country.
"Today I met with Biplab Dev ji and had many discussions with him. The BJP government in Haryana is absolutely solid and will continue to function firmly," he said. The Parliament elections are scheduled for 2024, and I am hopeful that Modi ji's magic will work and the BJP administration would take over the country and will affect Haryana as well, added Ranjit Singh Chautala. (ANI)