New Delhi: Biju Janata Dal (BJD) has said that it will extend its support to BJP led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) nominee Om Birla during the election for Lok Sabha Speaker scheduled to be held on Wednesday.
According to BJD Parliamentary Party leader Pinaki Misra, a decision on this context was taken at the meeting of the parliamentary body of the party in New Delhi. The party has also signed the proposal on nomination of Birla as Lok Sabha Speaker.
Speaking to Etv Bharat, Misra said,"NDA has a complete majority. So, their nominee for speaker is bound to be elected. They requested that there is only one name that is going to come up so it should be elected unanimously because the position of a speaker is a neutral position and is beyond party lines. Since, they've appealed to us also, so we've decided to accept their appeal and today, we've signed the form for sponsoring the name of Om Birla for Lok Sabha speaker."