New Delhi: The Congress on Wednesday accused the government of indulging in headlines management, and said the "sabotage theory" floated by the Railways in the Balasore train tragedy was to "escape accountability". Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh said while the inauguration of Vande Bharat trains continue, the Balasore train tragedy was caused by "misplaced priorities".
His remarks came after a high-level inquiry found "wrong signalling" to be the main reason for the accident involving three trains in Balasore and flagged "lapses at multiple levels" in the signalling and telecommunication (S&T) department, but indicated that the tragedy could have been averted if past red flags were reported.
"It is clear that the sabotage theory floated by the prime minister and Railway Minister is to escape accountability and manage the headlines. The Commissioner of Rail Safety has concluded that severe shortcomings in procedures and systems relating to rail safety resulted in the Balasore train disaster," Ramesh said on Twitter.