New Delhi : Hindu Sena national president Vishnu Gupta has filed a complaint with Delhi Police against All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen Chief and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi for allegedly making an inflammatory speech ahead of Ram Temple consecration. Vishnu Gupta has accused Owaisi of provoking Muslim youth. He said that Owaisi wants to spread communal disharmony in the country by making provocative statements.
In his complaint, Vishnu Gupta said Owaisi's statement is going viral on social media. In this statement, the AIMIM MP is purportedly appealing to the youth of his community to maintain their unity and strength and to keep their mosques secure. Owaisi allegedly said that they have lost their mosque and they are seeing what is being done there (Ayodhya).
Owaisi is accused to issuing such provocative statements like asking the young people whether they don't you have pain in their hearts and saying that now they do not have the place where they have prostrated for over 500 years.
Hindu Sena has written in its complaint that Owaisi wants to spread communal disharmony in the country by making inflammatory statements. Ram temple has been constructed after the decision of the Supreme Court. At the same time, the Muslim side has been given separate land for the mosque. But the way he has provoked the youth of the Muslim community is wrong. Hindu Sena further said that both Owaisi brothers want to spread communal tension in the country.
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