New Delhi: In a high-level meeting with the top Central government and Niti Aayog officers, Prime Minister Modi asked them to follow five-fold strategy of testing, tracing, treatment, covid-appropriate behaviour and vaccination in public movement mode to curb the second wave of the Coronavirus infections in the country.
The Prime Minister also asked to launch a special week-long campaign from Tuesday (April 6 to April 14) to create awareness about Covid appropriate behaviour and ensure sanitisation of public places.
On March 1, India reported 11,563 new cases and the average new cases in the month of February were in the range of 10,000-11,000 per day and the average daily deaths were also below 100.
However, at the start of this month, the daily caseload on Saturday neared the mark of 93,000 cases in a day and daily deaths touched a yearly high of over 713 deaths on April 2, according to the worldometers.
It happened at a time when India has just started vaccinating people above the age of 45 from early this month. According to official data, patients above the age of 45 accounted for nearly 88% of deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.
READ: 'People above 18 years should be vaccinated in states witnessing Covid19 spike'
The deadly SarS-CoV-2 virus has so far killed 1,64,600 people in the country and over 2.8 million people worldwide.
Focus on Maharashtra, Punjab, Chhattisgarh
The Prime Minister directed that central teams consisting of public health specialists and clinicians be sent to Maharashtra in view of high case load and deaths, and likewise to Punjab and Chhattisgarh because of the disproportionate number of deaths being reported there, said officials.
In order to control the recent surge witnessed this month, the Prime Minister emphasised the need to ensure effective implementation of containment measures, besides the involvement of community volunteers in active case search and management of containment zones.
“He exhorted that all states need to take required stringent measures with comprehensive restrictions in places witnessing high surge to curb the spread,” said officials.
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10 States report more than 90% deaths
In the high-level meeting, a detailed presentation was made which highlighted that there was an alarming rate of growth of Covid-19 cases and deaths in the country with 10 states contributing to more than 91% of cases and deaths due to COVID.
According to the data shared by the officials, as on date, Maharashtra contributed 57% of total cases in the country in the last 14 days and 47% of deaths in the country during the same period.