New Delhi: Amid the ongoing Hijab row in the country, Congress leader and MP from North West Delhi, Udit Raj has kicked up a parallel row asking women to “wear jeans instead of saris and salwars”.
“I will ask my lakhs and crores of supporters to wear jeans instead of saris and salwars,” Raj wrote on Twitter on Saturday. The statement by the BJP-turned Congress leader comes amid a raging row over the denial to Muslim girls in Karnataka to wear Hijab. Significantly, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday whiel reacting to the row said it is a woman's right to decide what she wants to wear.
The issue began in January at a government PU College in Udupi where six students who attended classes wearing headscarves were asked to leave the campus. The matter later spread to different parts of the state, with Hindu youngsters, backed by right-wing outfits, responding by wearing saffron scarves. The Karnataka government on Tuesday February 8, 2022 ordered closure of high schools and colleges for three days after reports of violence from college campuses.