New Delhi: Parliament witnessed uproarious scenes on Friday again with Opposition parties demanding an impartial investigation under the supervision of the Supreme Court or a Joint Parliamentary Committee to probe the charges raised in the Hindenburg report against the Adani Group. Amid the din, both Houses have been adjourned till February 6. Meanwhile, ETV Bharat caught up with BJP MP Naresh Bansal, who tried to give a clean chit to the government and said Opposition parties are unnecessarily dragging the government in the Adani case and the government has nothing to do with it.
Adani row: Opposition unnecessarily dragging Centre, says BJP MP Naresh Bansal
Amid the uproar, both Houses have been adjourned till February 6. Meanwhile, ETV Bharat caught up with BJP MP Naresh Bansal, who tried to give a clean chit to the government and said the Opposition parties are unnecessarily dragging the government in the Adani case and the government has nothing to do with it.
"Adani was doing business even during the Congress was in the power, the government has nothing to do with it, as the opposition is lacking real issues and become issueless, so they are unnecessarily dragging the government in the Adani case. Before 2014 also Adani was doing business, he established his base during the Congress regime. Industrialists earn profits and also incur losses and that is part and parcel of business. If an investigation is required, the government will think over it and take a decision accordingly," he said.
"People belonging to all walks of life are appreciating the budget presented by the government, but the Opposition MPs are not able to digest it and so they are trying to divert the attention of the public, but they will not succeed," he said. The shares of Adani Group firms continued to remain weak for the seventh day running on Friday amid a host of negative events surrounding the companies. The stocks of Adani Enterprises tumbled 20 per cent to Rs 1,173.55, the lowest in a year, on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).