New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh has sent a defamation notice to the Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials on Saturday. Singh has sought an apology from the agency within 48 hours, failing which legal action will be taken against them.
Singh has sent the notice through his lawyer Maninderjit Singh Bedi to ED director Sanjay Kumar Mishra and the investigating officer Joginder probing the alleged excise scam case. Singh claimed that he had been wrongly named in the ED's charge sheet and alleged that it was a part of conspiracy to defame him. In his defamation notice, it has been stated that Singh has nothing to do with the liquor scam. There was neither any witness nor evidence against him, it added.
On April 13, the AAP MP had raised questions on the functioning of ED at a press conference in the party office. He had alleged that false cases were registered by ED under pressure.