New Delhi:The Aam Aadmi Party has filed a complaint with the Election Commission against a “morphed” video tweeted from the Twitter handle of the Congress party.
The Congress party tweeted a video from its Twitter handle on January 12 attacking the Aam Aadmi Party. In this video, Arvind Kejriwal was written as ''Kejri-Well''. The AAP has described it as objectionable and filed a complaint in the Election Commission against it.
In the complaint filed in the Election Commission, it has been said on behalf of the Aam Aadmi Party that on January 12, at 8:51 am, it was tweeted from the official Twitter handle of the Delhi Congress, which read, 'This is not Kejriwal but Kejri-well, in whose wells there is nothing but darkness. Don't get caught in the hoax, you have your intelligence'. Also. the video urged people to use their mind before voting.