New Delhi:Aaftab Amin Poonawala, accused of strangling his live-in partner Shraddha Walkar and chopping her body into pieces, withdrew his bail plea on Thursday. Poonawala appeared before the court through video-conferencing and said he wished to withdraw the bail application which was filed before the court on December 15.
Mehrauli murder case accused Aaftab Poonawala withdraws bail plea
Poonawala appeared before the court through video-conferencing and said he wished to withdraw the bail application which was filed before the court on December 15.
Poonawala's private advocate M S Khan informed the court that the bail application was moved because of "miscommunication" between him and the accused. "Bail petition dismissed as withdrawn and not pressed," Additional Sessions Judge Vrinda Kumari said. Poonawala, 28, allegedly sawed Walkar's body into 35 pieces and kept them in a 300-litre fridge for almost three weeks at his residence in south Delhi's Mehrauli before dumping them across the city over several days. His judicial custody was extended by 14 days on December 9. (PTI)