New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday announced the launch of his government's ambitious start-up policy, under which start-ups will get collateral-free loans and other benefits. The Delhi Cabinet on Thursday approved the implementation of the Delhi Start-up Policy. During an online briefing, Kejriwal announced that entrepreneurship classes and a 'Business Blasters' programme will be introduced at college-levels after their grand success in schools. He said the government will help start-ups get collateral-free loans which will be interest-free for a year. The chief minister also said CAs, lawyers and experts will be empanelled to aid the start-ups for free, and their service charges will be borne by the government.
"We will ease out procurement norms to help start-ups but not bargain with the quality of our products. Students building start-ups while studying in Delhi government colleges will be able to seek one to two years of leave," Kejriwal said. The chief minister said a robust task force will oversee the registration of start-ups under the policy. "I hope Delhi will be home to unicorns and behemoth businesses that the world will look up to," he added. Presenting the policy framework in the Cabinet, the industries department said it seeks to enable Delhi to emerge as a global innovation hub and the most preferred destination for start-ups by 2030 by creating an enabling ecosystem for innovation-based economy and fostering entrepreneurial spirit through a robust support mechanism.
"Our country's hope and future lies in the hands of our youth. Our youth is talented, capable, hardworking and intelligent. But our country's system hasn't let them thrive. Be it the education system, the employment system or the political system, they have all hindered the growth of the country," the chief minister said. Noting that the Delhi government's budget for this year focuses on businesses and employment generation, he said the government is revamping markets, setting up the 'Dilli Bazaar' portal, organising the 'Delhi Shopping Festival' and doing much more to help boost the economy. The start-up policy has been formulated after studying similar policies from across the world, Kejriwal added. The Delhi government will provide both fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to youngsters who want to build their own start-ups, he said.
Also read:Delhi-NCR ahead of Bengaluru, Mumbai with over 7,000 start-ups, 10 unicorns: Report