Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal visited at Bhajanpura incident site and said, "What has happened is very upsetting. The construction was going on illegally. We'll give orders to investigate how MCD allowed it. We'll request EC to allow us to provide Rs 10 lakh each as compensation to kin of victims."
5 died after building collapses in Delhi's Bhajanpura, CM announces 10L compensation
21:24 January 25
CM announces 10 lakh compensation to kin of victims
20:33 January 25
Manoj Tiwari visits Bhajanpura
BJP MP Manoj Tiwari visits Bhajanpura area, where an under-construction building collapsed today claiming lives of four people.
19:10 January 25
5 died after building collapsed in Bhajanpura
Five out of the 13 people who were taken to hospital from the site where an under-construction building collapsed in Bhajanpura have died, informed DCP North East Delhi. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal took to Twitter and offered condolences to the victim’s kin and said that he will reach the spot soon.
17:31 January 25
An under construction building in Bhajanpura area collapsed, 5 died
New Delhi:A building collapsed in the city's Bhajanpura area on Saturday, a Delhi Fire Service official said. An under-construction coaching centre was being run in the building, he said, adding that some students are reportedly trapped inside. As per the latest update, 13 students have been rescued from the site and shifted to hospital. Three students are still missing, a Delhi Fire Service official added.
The Fire Department received a call around 4.30 pm, following which seven fire tenders were rushed to the spot, the official said.
Further details are awaited.