New Delhi: As many as 32,48,285 ex-servicemen are receiving pensions from the Government with the maximum number from Uttar Pradesh (4,23,667), followed by 2,92,691 in Maharashtra, 2,71,595 in Punjab and 2,242,30 in Haryana, the government said in the Lok Sabha. The reply was given to a question asked by several MPs in the Lower House on Friday.
The MPs asked for the total number of ex-servicemen personnel receiving pensions from the Government. Ajay Bhatt, Union Minister of State for Defense via a written reply shared data as per which 32,48,285 are the number of ex-servicemen personnel received pensions from the government. He also noted in his reply that, "There is no provision for the rank-wise compilation of the pensionary awards paid to the ex-servicemen."
As per the reply, Bhatt also presented data according to which a total of Rs 91,999.58 crores were spent in the year 2017 on expenditure on pension and other retirement benefits for the servicemen including the combined forces of Army, Air Force, and Navy and includes Gratuity Commutation (CVP), Family Pension and others. For the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, the numbers stood at Rs 10,1774.70 crores, Rs 11,7810.24 crores, Rs 12,8066.00 crore, and Rs 11,6873.37 crores respectively.