New Delhi:Three men have been arrested for allegedly opening fire at the owner of a popular sweets shop in Najafgarh area of Dwarka, police said on Tuesday. Arjun (24), Sonu (25) and Rohit Gehlot (33) were arrested by Delhi Police in a joint operation with Jhajjar Police, they said.
According to police, two of the accused with their faces covered came to the sweets shop on October 31 and fired four rounds at shop owner Ashok Mittal. Police had said they found two misfired and two empty rounds from the spot.
On Monday, the Jhajjar police held Arjun and Sonu, officials said. Sonu was handed over to the police by Vijyapal acharya' of Gurukul Ashram of Jhajjar where the accused took shelter, while co-accused Arjun who had fled the ashram was also subsequently arrested, said Shankar Choudhary, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dwarka).