New Delhi: Twenty-one cars parked at a multi-storey parking lot in west Delhi's Subhash Nagar were gutted in fire on Monday morning, Delhi Fire Services officials said. While the exact cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained, a senior police officer said preliminary CCTV footage analysis points at a person who was seen moving suspiciously at the facility.
21 cars gutted in fire at west Delhi multi-storey parking lot
21 cars were gutted in fire in west Delhi's Subhash Nagar on Monday, parked at a multi-storey parking lot.
21 cars gutted in fire at west Delhi multi-storey parking lot
The suspect has been identified and police are zeroing in on him, the official said, adding, "Multiple teams have been formed to probe the exact cause of incident. Investigation is underway." The fire officials said a call about the fire was received around 4 am and six fire tenders were rushed to the spot. The fire was brought under control by 6:10 am, a senior fire official said, adding that no casualties were reported. (PTI)