New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said that testing has been increased by three times in the city and now 18,000 tests are being done per day in the national capital.
"There has been a three-fold increase in testing; earlier it was five thousand tests per day, now it is around eighteen thousand per day. Now people will not face any issues in getting tested for COVID-19," Kejriwal said.
He informed that there are 25,000 active cases in Delhi and 33,000 people have recovered. 6,000 people are in hospitals and 12,000 people are getting treatment at home.
"Last week there were 24,000 active cases in Delhi and today 25,000 cases are active. Only 1,000 cases have been found in a week, the situation is getting stable now. 33,000 people have recovered and 6000 people are in hospital and 12,000 people are getting treatment at home," Kejriwal said.
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