New Delhi: The Ministry of Law and Justice released its year-ender on Friday according to which 165 judges have been appointed in 2022 in High Courts across the country. Thirteen of them have been appointed in Allahabad, 14 in Andhra Pradesh, 16 in Calcutta, three in Chhattisgarh, 17 in Delhi, two in Gauhati, two in Himachal Pradesh, four in J&K and Laddakh, one in Jharkhand, six in Karnataka, one in Kerela, six in MP, four in Orissa, 11 in Patna, 21 in Punjab and Haryana, two in Rajasthan and 17 in Telangana.
In all, 38 additional judges were made permanent in the High Courts of Allahabad, Bombay, Calcutta, HP, Karnataka, Kerela, Manipur and Madras. While the tenure of two additional judges was extended in Bombay and Madras. Eight Chief Justices were appointed in the High courts of Gauhati, HP, J&K, Karnataka, Madras, Telangana, Rajasthan and Uttrakhand. According to the release, Tele-law covered one lakh Gram Panchayats across 755 districts in 36 states and UTs. Tele-law is to "promote increased access to pre-litigation advice for rightfully claiming their entitlements and redressal of their grievances".