Kanker (Chhattisgarh): In a shocking incident, a woman was strangled to death on Friday in Chhattisgarh's Pakhanjur area, said the police on Sunday. The incident took place in the Pakhanjoor police station area. The victim was identified as Rekha Majumdar. After receiving the information about the incident, the police rushed to the spot. Following the investigation, the police revealed that the woman was murdered by her son, daughter-in-law and son-in-law. Three accused were identified as Viplav Majumdar (son of Rekha), Papia Majumdar (daughter-in-law) and Anoop Das alias Boppy (son-in-law).
The trio was arrested and sent to jail on judicial remand for murdering the woman, they said. "During the interrogation of the accused son-in-law Anoop Das confessed to committing the crime as he suspected that his wife was giving money to his mother-in-law Rekha Majumdar. Hence, he was angry and cooperated with his brother-in-law in eliminating his mother-in-law," said Anurag Jha, DSP Kanker.