Gariaband: In a tragic incident of human-animal conflict in Chhattisgarh, an elephant on Saturday trampled a woman to death in Gariaband district of the state. According to officials, the incident took place at Borid village of Gariaband district in the early hours of Saturday. It is learnt that the woman had come out of her house to attend nature's call when the tusker trampled her to death. The victim has been identified as Khorbahreen Sonkar, 50 years of age. It is learnt that the tusker crossed the nearby river and was wandering in the residential area before attacking the woman.
Also read:Chhattisgarh: Woman fights wild boar to save 11-yr-old daughter, dies
The ranger of the Fingeshwar Forest Department said that the tusker entered at around 2 pm on Friday night in Fingeshwar town of Gariaband. The wild animal entered the Borid village in the wee hours of Saturday. The attack has caused grief and anger among the villagers. The villagers said that the forest department was unaware about the arrival of the elephant in the area. They said that the department did not alert villagers beforehand.
Pertinently, a woman was killed while fighting off a wild boar to save her 11-year-old daughter at a farmland in Chhattisgarh's Korba district on February 27. The victim was identified as Duvashiya Bai (45). The woman and her daughter Rinki were on way to a farm in Teliyamar village when the wild boar attacked them. While the girl survived the attack, the woman died of serious injuries in the incident.