Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh): A train engine hit the dead end of a platform and damaged a portion of it at Chhattisgarh's Bilaspur station on Tuesday night, a railway official has said. No one was injured in the accident that occurred on platform number 8 during shunting, he said. Also, the incident did not affect rail traffic, the official said.
The train engine was pulling the Amritsar-Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Express when it hit the dead end of the platform and damaged a part of it, he said. The express train arrived on platform number 8 of Bilaspur railway station at 7 pm and subsequently all passengers got down. Around 8.15 pm the coaches were to be sent to the yard for inspection. However, due to the mistake of the loco pilot, the engine moved forward instead of backward and hit the dead end of the platform, said the official.