Narayanpur:The Chhattisgarh police nabbed three Maoists, who were involved in the Jiwlapadar IED blast. This has been confirmed by Narayanpur SP Pushkar Sharma. As police are regularly conducting anti-Maoist operations, they found three persons moving under suspicious circumstances, when the police try to stop them, they sneaked into the nearby forest. However, the police managed to nab them through combing operations.
Three Maoists accused in IED blast arrested in Chhattisgarh
The arrested have been identified as Sonar Ram, Sukku Idato and Sonu Ram. They are active members of the Kachchapal militia. They have allegedly been involved in Jiwalapadar road IED blasts, which were planted to kill a police party.
Also Read:Chhattisgarh police find cash and bombs in the Naxalite hideout
The arrested have been identified as Sonar Ram, Sukku Idato and Sonu Ram. They are active members of the Kachchapal militia. They have allegedly been involved in Jiwalapadar road IED blasts, which were planted to kill a police party, in which two police personnel were injured. During interrogation, they revealed the spot where they hide the one IED and 12 detonators in the forest. After the seizure of the IED, the bomb disposal squad was called to defuse it. With this arrest, police have managed to solve the Jiwalapadar IED blast case. Later, they were produced before the court and the court sent them to judicial custody.