Durg:A joint team of the Uttar Pradesh ATS and Chhattisgarh police have arrested a suspected ISIS terrorist from Durg district on Wednesday, said officials. The arrested man identified as Wajihuddin, a resident of Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh has been living in Smriti Nagar under Supela police station area of the district for the last three months, Durg Police said in a statement.
An Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) unit of Jhansi of Uttar Pradesh came to Durg to track down Wajihuddin against whom a case had been registered under relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, by the ATS Lucknow, it said. After a 24-hour-long search operation, he was nabbed, the release said. Durg Police handed over Wajihuddin to the UP ATS and further court-related procedure was being carried out, it said.