Kanker: Three Naxalites, including two hardcores carrying rewards of Rs eight lakh each, were arrested in a joint operation by District Reserve Guard (DRG) and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in Chhattisgarh's Kanker district on Sunday. An Improvised Explosive Device (IED), weighing 8 kg, planted by them on the road has been recovered, police said.
Police said that a joint search operation by DRG and CRPF was conducted in the forest areas under the Koilibeed police station area. "During the operation, the security forces suddenly spotted three persons some distance away. On seeing the forces, they started running away and were arrested. A walkie-talkie, a torch and Rs 6,000, in denominations of Rs 2,000, were recovered from their possession," Kanker SP Shalabh Kumar Sinha said.
Sinha said that the Naxalites were interrogated and on the basis of which, an IED was recovered that they had planted in Chilparas Dudta Road. This IED was found connected to a wire, he said.