Bhilai: Shankaracharya of Jyotish Peeth Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati, who was in Bhilai on Saturday, said that Bajrang Dal was formed in every village during Ram Janambhoomi movement. "Vinay Katiyar was playing an important role in the organisation (Bajrang Dal). But, when Shri Ram temple is being constructed in Ayodhya Vinay Katiyar is nowhere. It appears that his role was decimated. He was sidelined. No one is talking about him," said seer Swami Avimukteshwaranand.
Religious conversion is politically motivated, says Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati
Shankaracharya of Jyotish Peeth Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati on Saturday said that Bajrang Dal was formed in every village during the Ram Janambhoomi movement. But, the organisation was sidelined.
Elaborating on Bajrang Dal, the seer said, "The name of this organisation is Bajrang Dal, but this does not mean that it is 'Bajrangbali'. Every organisation on the basis of its work gains brownie points. But, I don't see any major contribution of this organisation. If one evaluates the conduct and merits of the members of Bajrang Dal, then one will find nothing in them. The contribution of Bajrang Dal during the Ram Mandir movement was rejected by its own people."
Focusing on religious conversion in the country, Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati, said, "The reason behind religious conversion is purely political. It has nothing to do with religion. People belonging to different religions want to rule the world. The religious conversion that is opposed is also done to gain political mileage. Or if someone is successful in bringing people into their religious fold. In that situation, such people gain politically. So, everything is happening for the benefit of politics, not for religion." "For those involved in religious conversion, their motto was not to uplift someone spiritually. The purpose behind the religious conversion is political. It is done simply for political reasons," the seer summed up.