New Delhi: A day after meeting with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel and Health Minister TS Singh Deo, on Wednesday, met AICC General Secretary KC Venugopal at his residence in Delhi. Baghel and Singh Deo sought different timings for the meeting with the Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal. However, both of them preferred to remain tight-lipped over the ongoing crisis in Chhattisgarh Congress.
According to the sources, in the meeting with Rahul Gandhi, a temporary truce was worked out to end the rift between the two leaders over the leadership crisis. It is being said that there will be no change of guard in Chhattisgarh as of now, while Deo may get a bigger role in Cabinet. Gandhi had given the responsibility to KC Venugopal of working out on a truce formula between the two leaders, therefore, both Baghel and Deo expressed their grievances before him today.
While Bhupesh Baghel left for Chhattisgarh soon after this meeting, TS Singh Deo stayed back in Delhi. However, he has refused that there is no another scheduled meeting of him later in the day.
Also Read:Chhattisgarh Crisis: Bhupesh Bhagel, TS Singh Deo meet Rahul Gandhi in Delhi
The sources have informed that TS Singh Deo had complained that he is not being consulted even for the work relating to his ministry. He also briefed Rahul Gandhi over the allegations levelled on him by an MLA of his own party, Brihaspati Singh. Due to this, Baghel has also been clearly instructed by the party high command to not interfere in the work of TS Singh Deo and to take his complaints seriously.