Gariaband (Chattisgarh):A villager was allegedly killed by Naxalites in Chhattisgarh's Gariaband district on suspicion of being a police informer, police said on Sunday. The Naxalites allegedly stormed into the 30-year-old's house in Kharipatha village, the police officer said. The incident took place in Amlipadar police station area at the border between Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
The villager who has been identified as Ramder was taken to a nearby forest 7 km away from his house by the Naxalities and killed, the officer further informed. The incident came to light when the man's body was found in the forest Sunday morning. The police rushed rushed to the spot as soon as they came to know of the incident.
Though the police officer said that it looks like the man was strangled, the exact cause of death will be known after post-mortem. The body of the deceased has been taken for post-mortem. A pamphlet was recovered from the crime spot. The Udanti area committee of Maoists has claimed responsibility for the murder, it read. Though the Maoists claimed that the victim was a police informer, the police have denied the allegation.