Raigarh (Chhattisgarh) :A couple were allegedly killed by their 17-year-old son and seven others on suspicion that they practised witchcraft in Chhattisgarh's Raigarh district, police said on Tuesday. While the teenager and six others were apprehended from neighbouring Jashpur district, one accused is still at large, said an official. The bodies of Sukru Ram Yadav (40) and his wife Manmati (35) were found under a bridge on the Mahanadi river in Saria area of Raigarh district on August 1, Superintendent of Police Abhishek Meena said.
During interrogation, their minor son revealed that he and others killed the couple on the advice of a `tantrik' (witch-doctor), the SP said. His elder brother developed a psychological ailment a month ago, and the tantric told him that the reason was the `black magic' practiced by their mother, the boy allegedly told police.