Durg:Chhattisgarh Police on Tuesday arrested the main accused in the murder of Malkit Singh, a resident of Khursipar in Durg district. Five persons have already been arrested in this case. The accused has been identified as Shubham Sharma. Police said that a special team had been set up to investigate the murder and an intensive search operation was launched to nab the culprits. Police had spoken to all people with whom Shubham was in contact in the last few days to collect information about his whereabouts.
On Friday, while Malkit and his friends were watching a movie on their mobile phone at the ITI grounds here, a group of people started abusing him. When Malkit protested, they started beating him up. After assaulting Malkit, the accused ran away from the spot. After getting information about the incident, Malkit's family members came there and rushed him to a hospital in Bhilai. With his condition deteriorating, he was referred to a private hospital in Raipur, where he died while undergoing treatment.
Police said five accused were arrested a day after the incident but the main accused was on the run. The reason as to why Malkit was assaulted is yet to be ascertained, police said. "The CCTV footage was examined to get more information about the accused and Sharma was finally arrested today," Sanjay Dhruv, ASP, Durg City said.