Kanker (Chhattisgarh):Days after a flaming car, with all its passengers missing, was spotted by a motorist near Chawadi village in the Charama tehsil of Chhattisgarh's Kanker district, the police on Saturday said they had accessed a CCTV footage confirming the presence of all four members of the family, who owned the car, at a resort. Significantly, they further noted that the footage was from approximately the same time frame when the 'mishap' was reported.
"It is possible that when the car caught fire, the family members were not inside the vehicle. This was previously noted by forensic experts, who had said there were no human remains inside the car," said Superintendent of Police Shalabh Sinha, who further added that cops were searching for the subsequent movement and current whereabouts of the family. "Further investigation is being carried out to trace where they went afterwards," he said.