Raipur: Former Chhattisgarh chief minister Ajit Jogi's condition is "very critical" and he continues to be on a ventilator support. With neurological activities of Jogi, 74, "almost nil" and he remaining in coma, doctors have started "audio therapy" by making him listen to his favourite songs on earphones.
Jogi was admitted in Shree Narayana Hospital on May 9 after he suffered a cardiac and respiratory arrest. As per doctors, a sweet tamarind seed had got stuck in Jogi's windpipe.
"The condition of Jogi remained very critical and he is still in coma," said Dr Sunil Khemka, Medical Director of the hospital.
"His neurological activities are almost nil. Doctors are making all efforts to revive his brain activity. We have also started giving him an 'audio therapy' by making him listen to his favourite songs through earphones, but so far our efforts yielded no success," he said.