Raipur (Chhattisgarh): Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Friday said that farmers across the country will soon stage protests on the streets, days after new agriculture reform bills were passed in the Lok Sabha, leading to farmers' demonstrations in various states.
Asked about the farm bills, Baghel told media, "Presently, farmers in Punjab and Haryana are staging protests on the streets. Soon, farmers from all over the country will hold demonstrations on the streets."
"With the implementation of these bills, the Centre is encouraging the private markets to come forward. They have removed the grain storage limit and have introduced contract farming," he said.
Baghel alleged that the agriculture reform bills are dreadful for the farmers.
"In addition, the reformation will also allow multinational companies to work in the sector, giving them control," he said.
"They (Centre) have been reversing all the steps taken years ago by the former leaders for the betterment of the farmers. The future of farmers is not good and is not in the favour of the country," the Chief Minister added.