New Delhi : The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is conducting raids in Chhatisgarh at more than twelve locations belonging to government officials who are said to be close to CM Bhupesh Baghel in connection with an alleged Disproportionate of Assets (DA) case. IAS officers J.P. Maurya and Ranu Sahu's premises are among those whose house are being raided by the Central anti-money laundering agency.
ED raids 12 locations in Chhatisgarh in DA case
The Enforcement Directorate is conducting raids in Chhatisgarh at more than 12 locations belonging to government officials on Tuesday.
ED raids 12 locations in Chhatisgarh in DA case
The ED team is also at the premises of three IPS officials.Earlier when the raids were conducted, Chhatisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel had termed it 'political raids'.The raids started early on Tuesday morning and are currently going on.
Last Updated : Oct 11, 2022, 10:47 AM IST