Durg (Chhattisgarh):A couple has been arrested by the Chhattisgarh Police for allegedly indulging in "indecent activities" while riding a bike in Chattisgarh's Durg on Sunday. The police came into action and took cognizance of the matter after which the video went viral. In the video, the girl could be seen hugging the rider, sitting opposite to him, while the man rides the bike.
"A video of a couple who were driving recklessly and doing obscene scenes went viral. Taking cognizance of it, a case has been registered. Both of them have been arrested," said Superintendent of Police (SP) Abhishek Pallav told ANI. During investigation it was revealed that the bike was stolen and the arrested couple did not have any documents with them.
Elaborating further the SP said that the bike they were using did not have a registration plate and during the probe adding it was found that the bike was stolen from a village a year back. The market price of the bike is Rs 1.50 lakh but the accused bought it for Rs 9,000 without any documents. The bike has now been seized.