Gaurela-Pendra-Marwahi:The trouble seems to have increased for Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, as a written complaint was lodged against him by a lawyer based in Chhattisgarh's Pendra on Tuesday. The actor, who faced flak from citizens last week after posting an advertorial for an airline where he was seen walking on India on a globe, has been accused of disrespecting the country.
The complaint, lodged by lawyer and Pendra-resident Virendra Punjabi to the Ministry of Home Affairs as well as district police officals, notes that "Akshay Kumar alias Rajeev Bhatia has made a photo viral on his social media, in which he is standing on the map of 'Bharat Mata' while wearing shoes on the globe. Standing this way on the Indian map is akin to insulting it. My sentiments are hurt by watching him wearing shoes and standing on the Indian map."