Raipur: Chhattisgarh chief minister Bhupesh Baghel on Tuesday said that BJP does not take its national president JP Nadda seriously while reacting to his earlier statement on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. Baghel said that BJP will witness a Karnataka-like defeat in Chhattisgarh when it goes for polls some months later.
"BJP itself does not take him (JP Nadda) seriously. During central committee meeting you must have seen how Naddaji is pulled behind by Amit Shah ji. He is not taken seriously by his own party. So we too do not take his statement seriously. Don't know till now who selected him. Ever since he became the party president, the party has been defeated in his own state. Then we saw what happened in Karnataka. A similar situation will happen here. Rahul Gandhi opened a shop of love in BJP's market of hatred," Baghel said at a press conference here.
Earlier, Nadda had said that Gandhi has opened a shop of hatred and was trying to divide the Hindus and Muslims. Baghel accused BJP of spreading hatred saying it was necessary for the party's existence.